The White House has announced that it will be sending American troops and Air force bombers to Iran as threat of military escalation looms over both the nations.
- Priyanka Yadav | The New Leam

In an attempt to warn the state of Iran, United States of America has deployed Aircraft Carrier Strike Group and Air Force Bombers in Iran. The announcement was made by the United States security officials on Sunday, 5th May 2019.
The state officials of America informed that the announcement to take military actions against Iran came after security threat was observed from Friday night onwards.
During his interaction with the media the Secretary of States, United States of America Mike Pompeo said, “It is absolutely the case that we have seen escalator actions from the Iranians, and it is equally the case that we will hold the Iranians accountable for attacks on American interests. If these actions take place, if they do by some third-party proxy, a militia group, Hezbollah”.
The country is skeptical that the Iranian state might cause trouble to their security hence they made the announcement.
The Chief Security Officer, John. R. Bolton released the information about the military action and stated “The deployment was intended in order to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force”.
The announcement from the United States came after the violence that took place between Israel and Gaza on Sunday night. The violence led to the killing of 22 people including women and children both. The fight was initiated when two Israeli soldiers were attacked by the Palestinians.
The attack was aroused because of the angst of the Palestinians against the Israelis for not restoring peace in Gaza. The fight which started on Friday continued for two days continuously bringing normal life in both the states to halt. Both the sides were equally involved in the showcase of arsenal power, drones, airplanes, missiles, rockets, tanks all of these were mercilessly used.
The attack stopped finally on Monday when both the sides: Palestinian and Israeli’s agreed for a ceasefire.
The decision of United States of America to initiate a military strike as a warning to Iran came from the conscious and prevalent perception of the country that it is Iran which is instrumental in supplying military and nuclear equipment to Middle Eastern countries.
This role of Iran in the Middle Eastern world as argued by international relations analysts has facilitated many wars. Iran continues to expand their nuclear technology which acts as a plausible threat to the American States and its partners in the Middle Eastern part.
The country (America) must have initiated security warning through air bombing citing reasons that Iran must have supplemented the violent attack between Palestinians and Israeli’s but experts have condemned the attack by the states (American).
As reported in the World Political Review, experts have claimed that America’s attack on Iran is baseless. Rather than being a warning it might counter attack as initiating an air bombing strike merely on the basis of suspicion can also prove to be fatal for the American State.