Witnessing Destruction, Death and Decay:the Syrian Photographer with Inconsolable tears
According to a AFP report, last week, nearly 70 children were among 126 people killed in a suicide bombing when a car bomb tore through buses carrying evacuees from besieged government-held towns in Syria. “At least 68 children were among those killed in the attack,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
By Editorial Team/The New Leam
Amidst innumerable stories of pain,loss and suffering the story of a Syrian Photographer risking his life to save a little injured boy has captured our attention.

The entire world stood witness to the pain and agony of the Syrian photographer Abd Alkader Habak as he dropped down his camera to save the lives of children who he saw wounded and dying in front of his own eyes. Abd Alkader Habak could not hold himself back when he saw a severely wounded boy before him and he held him in his arms to carry him to safety. When he reached a safer location with the little boy still in his arms, he was broken to discover that the boy was presumably dead.
Habak told CNN that, “The scene was horrible – especially seeing children wailing and dying in front of you. So I decided along with my colleagues that we’d put our cameras aside and start rescuing injured people.”
The large scale destruction and upheaval caused in the lives of innocent people are tremendously tragic and leave behind an impact on every sensible mind. In a war between nation-states, between governments and their enormous military capabilities the lives of innocent children,women and men are sacrificed ever so ruthlessly. Has the time yet not arrived when we shall rethink global politics and the role of nation-states within it? Or are we destined to perpetual global conflict, civil unrest and destruction of human lives? The recent Syrian episode compel us to ask these uncomfortable questions..
Cover Image Source : Daily Mail
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